By: Josh Helcel, Extension Associate –
Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Contraception, or “birth control,” has long been suggested as a
potential means of controlling wild pig (Sus
scrofa) populations. While there are
currently no pharmaceuticals labeled for use on wild pigs in Texas, the
continued expansion of wild pig populations in the Lone Star State has many Texans
again questioning the viability of wild pig contraception. Given the prolific fecundity of these animals,
the idea of contraception admittedly does make sense. But what does the research tell us about the
feasibility of this technique? This
article will highlight research that has been conducted on wildlife fertility
control, and will also discuss challenges that could potentially limit the
success of this alternative within free-ranging populations of wild pigs.
General Contraceptive Use in
Wildlife Species
Contraception has been administered worldwide as a tool for fertility
control in a variety of wildlife species including mice, rats, donkeys, wild
horses, elephants, deer and others.3,8,12,14 Common types of contraceptives include both
steroid-based and immunocontraceptives.
While commonly used in humans, steroid-based contraception is widely
considered as impractical for wildlife.1,2 Early efforts at wildlife contraception
conducted in the late 1980’s encountered significant issues including prolonged
estrus cycles in females, animal aggression, diminished efficacy over time,
animal toxicity, passage through the food chain and others.7 Subsequent wildlife vaccines have since
improved considerably, and today are administered to wildlife species within
protected nature preserves, urban areas, and other locations where conventional
control techniques are either not feasible or legal.
Wildlife contraceptives have been
successfully given to species including deer, mice, elephants,
donkeys and others. However, physical control of the animal and repeated dosing/boosters are required in order to
be effective.
The research cited above documenting contraceptive use in wildlife
species share several conditional factors in common. First, contraceptives were administered
directly and through a vaccine – not remotely or through oral uptake (consumption). Second, contraceptives were generally given within
controlled environments and not in free ranging habitats. Finally, vaccines were administered under the
assumption that contracepted species would not be intended for human
consumption. With these commonalities in
mind, let’s consider the feasibility and potential impacts of administering an immunocontraceptive
to free-ranging exotic invasive feral swine.
Feasibility of Wild Pig Contraception
In order to administer an intramuscular (IM) contraceptive vaccine to a
wild pig, one must first gain physical control of the animal. Now to many this goes without saying, but if a
person goes through all the trouble of pre-baiting, patterning and trapping a
wild pig why on earth would they let that animal go? No matter how effective any contraceptive is,
at least one much easier and less expensive option exists that will solve the
problem just the same. And therein lies
a significant problem – the only feasible delivery of a contraceptive to
free-ranging wild pigs would be through remote oral uptake. Put simply, this means that the pigs would need
to physically consume the “birth control” while in the wild. And if administered through consumption, a
number of challenges are inherited including many of the same concerns
associated with the use of toxicants.
Wild pigs would likely need to be trapped and sedated before an IM
contraceptive vaccine could be administered. (Image Credit Dr.Billy Higginbotham)
Challenges to Fertility Control
in Free Ranging Wild Pigs
Research showed that efficacy of various wildlife fertility control
agents can vary dramatically by type as well as by wildlife species.5-8 Population modeling indicated that 66% of the
Texas wild pig population would need to be removed annually in order to begin
to reduce populations.13 Based
on this research, we can assume that an ideal wild pig immunocontraceptive
would have a minimum efficacy of at least 66%, provided it were administered to
the entire breeding population. Treating
an entire population of millions of wild pigs even once would in itself be a
major undertaking. However, this
challenge is compounded by the fact that there are currently no wildlife
immunocontraceptives that do not require multiple initial and/or subsequent
periodic inoculations in order to be effective. Research conducted on long term wildlife
immunocontraception has shown efficacy over several years, but in each case was
obtained through an injectable vaccine that required physical control of the
animal.5,6,14 Either a single
dose immunocontraceptive would need to be extensively researched and synthesized,
or wild pigs would need to be dosed periodically throughout their entire
reproductive life span. Female wild
pigs, or sows, are capable of reproduction as early as 6 months of age and have
average lifespan of 8-12 years in the wild.9 Research has documented a single
immunocontraceptive dose as costing as much as $50 or more,4 and
there are currently an estimated minimum of 2.6 million wild pigs in Texas
alone. Such expense as well as the near
logistical impossibility of administering over a decade of treatments to
millions of animals (with a product that doesn’t even exist) would represent a tremendous
Another significant challenge to remotely administered wild pig
fertility control is species specific delivery.
The drug would need to be encapsulated or otherwise provided in such a
way that it is not only bait stable and palatable, but also accessible to only wild
pigs. Researchers have already been working
for many years to develop this exact type of system in order to deliver
toxicants such as sodium nitrite to wild pigs.
A number of different designs for wild pig specific baiting systems have
been devised that utilize animal recognition software, rooter gates and various
types of weighted doors. However,
non-targeted species including raccoons and especially black bears have proven
persistent in their ability to access baits intended only for wild pigs. Another compounding factor is that feral swine
are highly intelligent and adaptable animals,10 and are capable of exhibiting
aversion to man-made contraptions including box traps, corral traps, rooter
gates and increasingly even helicopters.
specific delivery systems such as this one are designed to allow wild pigs to access baits without allowing access
to non-targeted species.
Research has documented secondary transfer of wildlife contraceptives
through the food chain, and wild pigs from Texas are popular table fare
worldwide. Throughout the recent registration
process of a warfarin-based toxicant in Texas, wildlife professionals, state
officials and others observed significant political backlash from wild pig
processing facilities, hunters and the general public. Unless a wild pig “birth control” were
developed that was research proven to be completely incapable of secondary
transfer, there would undoubtedly be considerable economic and political
ramifications – not to mention a real threat to human health. Native predatory species including mountain
lions, bobcats and others as well as federally protected carrion feeders such
as black and turkey vultures could also potentially be impacted. Wild pigs cannot sweat and must occupy water
sources in order to cool themselves, and secondary transfer could also
potentially be actuated through any surface water system in which these animals
routinely eliminate waste. And while
bacteria such as E. coli can
eventually be removed from water sources through conventional disinfection
processes, many pharmaceuticals and pesticides either require special and
expensive treatments or cannot be removed at all.
The potential for secondary
transfer to wildlife species and/or surface water systems is another challenge to wild pig contraception.
(Image Credit Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
Wild pigs cause an estimated 1.5 billion dollars in agricultural
damages in the United States each year.11 They destroy habitat, negatively impact native
wildlife, degrade water quality, threaten livestock production and the list
goes on. These animals are classified as
the most reproductively successful large mammal worldwide, so developing a
means to inhibit the reproductive capacity of this species does seem like a logical
strategy. However, at this time the
research simply does not support this means as a feasible alternative in wild
pig management. There is no wildlife
inoculation currently available which would meet the criteria necessary to be
effective. Additional challenges of
species specific delivery, repeated dosing, cost, wild pig intelligence,
secondary transfer and others further reiterate wild pig fertility control as
currently being impractical. There is
most likely no one “silver bullet” that will solve the wild pig problem, but the
reality is that researchers are much closer to developing a viable toxicant
than an immunocontraceptive. In the
meantime, conventional techniques and emerging technologies such as remote/suspended
trapping systems coupled with a routine aerial gunning regimen remain among the
best available strategies for abating the damages associated with wild pigs.
Wild pig resources listed below are available at the AgriLife Bookstore
– L-5523 Recognizing Feral Hog Sign
– L-5524 Corral Traps for Capturing Feral Hogs
– L-5525 Box Traps for Capturing Feral Hogs
– L-5526 Placing and Baiting Feral Hog Traps
– L-5527 Door Modifications for Feral Hog Traps
– L-5528 Snaring Feral Hog
– L-5529 Making a Feral Hog Snare
– SP-419 Feral Hogs Impact Ground-nesting Birds
– SP-420 Feral Hog Laws and Regulations
– SP-421 Feral Hogs and Disease Concerns
– SP-422 Feral Hogs and Water Quality in Plum Creek
– SP-423 Feral Hog Transportation Regulations
– L-5533 Using Fences to Exclude Feral Hogs from Wildlife Feeding Stations
– WF-030 Reducing non-target species interference while trapping wild pigs
Click here for additional resources on wild pigs
For educational programming or technical assistance with wild pigs please contact:
Josh Helcel, 512-554-3785,
Literature Cited
1 Barlow, N.D. 2000. The
ecological challenge of immunocontraception. Journal of Applied Ecology. 37:
2 Cooper, D.W. and E. Larsen. 2006. Immunocontraception of mammalian wildlife: ecological and immunogenetic
issues. Reproduction. 132:821-828.
3 Delsinka, A. K., J. J. van
Altenab, D. Groblerb, H. J. Bertschingerc, J. F. Kirkpatrickd and R. Slotowa.
2007. Implementing
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4 Fagerstone, K. A., M. A. Coffey, P. D. Curtis, R. A. Dolbeer, G. J.
Killian, L. A. Miller and L. M. Wilmot. 2002. Wildlife fertility control. Wildlife
Society Technical Review. 2:2, 29 pp.
5 Fraker, M.A., R.G. Brown, G.E. Gaunt, J.A. Kerr and B. Pohajdak.
2002. Longlasting, single-dose immunocontraception in fallow deer in British Columbia.
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6 Gray, M.E., D.S. Thain, E.Z. Cameron and L.A. Miller. 2010.
Multi-year fertility reduction in free-roaming feral horses with
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7 Kirkpatrick, J.F., R.O. Lyda and
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14 Walden,
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Long-term non-hormonal male contraception in mice using N-butyldeoxynojirimycin. Human
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