Written by Shelby McCay, Texas A&M University, WFSC ’15 and MNRD ‘19
Texas is well known for its sweltering summers, but winters in the Lone Star State can be downright frigid. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -23°F on February 8th, 1933 in the small town of Seminole4 and parts of the panhandle can average 1-2 feet of snow annually8. The four native Texas quail species - northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus), scaled quail (Callipepla squamata), Gambel’s quail (Callipepla gambelii), and Montezuma quail (Cyrtonyx montezumae) – can all be found across west and central portions of the state where temperatures can drop well below freezing in the winter. Survival for a quail is tough all year round, but plummeting temperatures make it more challenging with added energy requirements, food scarcity, and increased risk of mortality.
Bobwhite rooster and
hen in winter. Photo by Missouri Department of Conservation.
Winter is one of the most biologically and environmentally
stressful times for quail. Colder weather requires individuals to expend large
amounts energy just to maintain a steady body temperature, requiring them to
burn 25% more energy in order to survive10. This need, coupled with
the increased energy requirements associated with reproduction in the following
spring months, makes this a period when energy demands are extremely high11.
Scaled quail will begin to select mates as early as late-February, and Gambel’s
quail will begin to breed in mid-to late February following a cool, wet winter3.
Inconveniently, this spike in energy needs corresponds with
the time of the year when food resources are least abundant, increasing the
risk of starvation and creating a major challenge for wild quail. A study in west
Texas found that winter availability of broomweed seeds affected both bobwhite
and scaled quail diets and the morphology of their digestive tract6.
Broomweed seeds had the highest energy content per gram of available winter food
sources and quail would consume significantly less green vegetation if
broomweed seeds were available6. If seeds were not available, both
species would increase their intake of relatively low energy green vegetation
to meet their nutritional demands and elongate their small intestine and ceca
to be able to extract more nutrients6. The study found that scaled
quail seemed better equipped than bobwhites to adjust their digestive organs to
extract more energy from their food and accumulate more lipid reserves when
seed availability was limited.
All species of Texas quail depend on a variety of food sources throughout the winter months, including grass and forb seeds, green vegetation, insects, and mast3. A study of quail food habits in southwest Texas revealed bobwhite winter diets consisted of 72% green vegetation, 20% seeds/fruits and 6% animal matter, whereas scaled quail diets consisted of 52% green vegetation, 38% seeds/fruits and 2% animal matter in the fall-winter1. Beetles, grasshoppers, stinkbugs, termites, leafhoppers, ants, and butterfly and moth larvae have been recorded by multiple studies as being important cold-weather staples in quail diets1,2,13.
Sorghum and wheat from food plots, scattered waste and
unharvested fields, can provide an invaluable supplemental food source to help
maintain coveys through the harsh winter months9. Robel and Kemp
1997 found that quail had a greater chance of survival near food plots since
they had increased food availability and in turn were able to accumulate more
fat reserves. Food plots need to be effectively managed since consumption of
food resources by other species can render them useless to quail in the late
winter, especially in the months of January-March7.
Freezing is another major cause of quail winter
mortality10. Robel and Kemp (1997) found that low temperatures in
January and periods of snow cover significantly increased winter mortality of
bobwhites, both by chilling the birds themselves and preventing them from
finding food. Despite being small, primarily ground-dwelling birds, Texas quail
are hardy and are able to cope remarkably well with winter conditions provided
they have adequate cover. Essential thermal and loafing cover varies for each
species, but can include bunchgrasses, shrubs, trees and bases of rocks in the
case of the Montezuma quail3. Evergreens like various junipers (Juniperus spp.) provide excellent
thermal cover against north winds. Quail
that covey-up for the fall and winter may have an extra advantage, as the covey
roosts in a tight circle (heads out, tail in) to keep warm and has more eyes
looking out for predators and food.
A major cause of winter
mortality in quail is freezing.
Photo by Missouri Department of Conservation.
if freezing temperatures and lack of food were not enough to worry about, there
is also an increased threat of predation during the winter months. Scarcity of
resources means that quail have to cover more ground and, in the process, expose
themselves to predators. Raptors (e.g., Cooper’s hawks (Accipiter cooperii), Northern harriers (Circus cyaneus)) are typically more abundant during winter months,
and can exact a toll on quails. A study
of overwinter survival of quail in Kansas found avian and mammalian predators
accounted for 55% of mortality of their radiomarked bobwhites7. Researchers
in Tennessee reported that changes in landscape structure, specifically
increased abundance of closed canopy forest edge within covey home ranges,
increased overwinter bobwhite mortality14. This may have been due to
2 reasons. First, bobwhite activity along the forest edge may have rendered the
birds vulnerable as they moved between open habitats with herbaceous ground
cover into forests with little or no herbaceous cover14. Second, the abundance of forest edge may have
boosted overall predator abundance and/or efficiency, giving predators the
advantage in these otherwise suitable habitat spaces14.
for a quail is never easy, but it gets even tougher in winter. The combination of
decreased food resources and increased energy requirements can cause a large
amount of metabolic stress for these small birds. Sparse cover and increased
foraging time also leave quail exposed to both avian and mammalian predators. By
making the best of a limited food supply, relying on their covey and using the
cover available, quail can beat the odds and survive to see the spring.
Edited by Dr. Dale Rollins, Statewide Coordinator, Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative
Edited by Amanda Gobeli, Extension Associate, Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute
Literature Cited
- Campbell-Kissock, L., Blankenship, L.H. and Stewart, J.W. 1985. Plant and animal foods of bobwhite and scaled quail southwest Texas. The Southwestern Naturalist. 30: 543-553.
- Davis, C.A., Barkley, R.C., and Haussamen, W.C. 1975. Scaled quail foods in southeastern New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management. 39:496-502.
- Frank, M., Ruppert, K., and Cathey, J. 2017. Habitat requirements of Texas quail. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service EWF-096.
- Lam, L. 2016. The Coldest Temperatures Ever Recorded in All 50 States. The Weather Channel. https://weather.com/news/climate/news/coldest-temperature-recorded-50-states.
- Lehman, V.W., and Ward, H. 1941. Some plants valuable to quail in southwestern Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management. 5:131-135.
- Leif, A.P. and Smith, L.M. 1993. Winter diet quality, gut morphology and condition of northern bobwhite and scaled quail in west Texas. Journal of Field Ornithology. 64: 527-538.
- Madison, L.A., Robel, R.J., and Jones, D.P. 2002. Hunting mortality and overwinter survival of northern bobwhites relative to food plots in Kansas. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 30: 1120-1127.
- National Weather Service. n.d. Climatology of Snowfall in the Panhandles. https://www.weather.gov/ama/snow_climo#1.
- Parmalee, P. W. 1955. Notes on the winter foods of Bobwhite in north-central Texas. Texas Journal of Science. 7:189-195.
- Quail Forever. n.d. Effects of weather combines with habitat to impact quail numbers. https://quailforever.org/Habitat/Why-Habitat/Quail-Facts/Effects-of-Weather.aspx.
- Robel, R.J. 1963. Fall and winter food habits of 150 bobwhite quail in Riley County, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science. 66: 778-789.
- Robel, R.J. and Kemp, K.E. 1997. Winter mortality of northern bobwhites: effects of food plots and weather. The Southwestern Naturalist. 42: 59-67.
- Rollins, D. 1980. Comparative ecology of bobwhite and scaled quail in mesquite grassland habitats. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater
- Seckinger, E.M., Burger, Jr., L.W., Whittington, R., Houston, A. and Carlisle, R. 2008. Effects of landscape composition on winter survival of northern bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72: 959-969.