Monday, April 11, 2016

Hunter Safety During Spring Turkey Season

Spring turkey hunting with turkey calls, decoys and dressed in full camouflage requires additional safety skills and responsibilities. 

Many spring turkey hunters hunt by dressing in full camouflage and calling gobblers (male turkeys) to them.  We see people wearing camouflage every day in our lives as we go about town. We forget how effective it is at concealing someone in the woods.  Can you spot the camouflaged hunter in this picture? The photographer for this photo was only 20 feet away. Imagine if this was another hunter 20 yards away!


There are many safety rules to follow when hunting here are some for spring turkey hunting: 

1. Always keep your firearm’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

2. Be sure of what is in front of and behind your target.

3. Be aware that using gobbler calls can attract not only turkeys but also other hunters to you and put you in danger. 

4.  Do not wear the colors red, white, and blue as these are colors associated with strutting gobblers.

5.  When you sit in the woods and call turkeys, sit against a rock or tree large enough to shield your head and back, so other hunters cannot sneak up behind you. Position yourself so you can see the area around you in case you are approached by another hunter. If you see another hunter approaching call out in a loud clear voice.  

6. When using turkey decoys do not set them right in line with you, you do not want someone to take a shot at your decoys and you be in their line of fire.  

7. Be aware of additional circumstances that require caution. Watch where you walk and sit as snakes are beginning to move after denning up for the winter. 

8. Once you have harvested a turkey, tag it properly and wrap it in a hunter orange mesh bag or hunter orange flagging.  When you walk out of woods after hunting, put on a hunter orange vest.  You do not want to be mistaken by another hunter, as a tree carrying a turkey!

These are only a few spring turkey hunting safety rules, for more information about spring turkey hunting and safety take a hunter education course. Courses can be found at