David Riley, Texas A&M WFSC ‘14
management has been a familiar topic to many land managers over the past
decades and many of those discussions have begun with attempting to increase
quail food resources, such as grasses, and forbs. One commonly overlooked food
resource for quail are arthropods, most commonly grasshoppers, but beetles,
spiders, ants, and assorted larva are commonly found in quail crops (Jackson) and
are important food resources for females during breeding season and quail chick
growth (Hernandez et al.). Increasing the arthropod abundance in an area can be
a daunting task, but with a few simple methods land managers can increase
insect abundance and diversity in an area and create a valuable food resource
for their quail population.
Quail diet mainly consists of seeds from grasses and forbs but also consist of fruits and seeds from trees and shrubs. Insects typically make up a small part of their diet throughout most of the fall and winter months but drastically increase during the spring and summer, due to higher nutritional needs because of breeding (Hernandez et al.). Quail expend a tremendous amount of energy during this time attempting to successfully lay a brood and need this extra nutrition to ensure their survival as well as their chick’s survival. Insects are also a very important factor in quail water consumption, quail typically receive most of their water needs from forbs, seeds, and insect unless they are located in very arid environments, which supplemental water may be necessary. Insects play a vital role in quail diet and water needs and if managed correctly they can be very beneficial to the quail population.
Photo credit: Marilyn Brinker |
Quail diet mainly consists of seeds from grasses and forbs but also consist of fruits and seeds from trees and shrubs. Insects typically make up a small part of their diet throughout most of the fall and winter months but drastically increase during the spring and summer, due to higher nutritional needs because of breeding (Hernandez et al.). Quail expend a tremendous amount of energy during this time attempting to successfully lay a brood and need this extra nutrition to ensure their survival as well as their chick’s survival. Insects are also a very important factor in quail water consumption, quail typically receive most of their water needs from forbs, seeds, and insect unless they are located in very arid environments, which supplemental water may be necessary. Insects play a vital role in quail diet and water needs and if managed correctly they can be very beneficial to the quail population.
One very common
technique to increase insect abundance in an area is strip disking. Strip
disking is the process of using a tractor and disk to disturb the soil and set
back succession, which allows succulent forbs to increase and restricts the
growth of shrubs and trees. Disked strips should be approximately 20-50ft wide
with an area left undisturbed approximately 60-100ft wide in between. This
allows for sufficient nesting/cover habitat in the undisturbed areas and
valuable insect and forb growth in the disked areas. Disking should be
completed during spring to provide sufficient insect abundance during quail
breeding season. These areas should be disked on a rotational basis and areas
should be allowed to grow at least two-three years in between disking periods.
If strip disking is completed correctly and is maintained on a regular basis
you can count on a large influx of arthropods in the area as well as higher
forb and seed production (Manley 1994). For more on the benefits of strip
disking and its benefits for quail populations visit “Supplemental
Feed for Quail”, and “Disking
for Wildlife Management”.
A disked strip of land. Photo credit: Blake Alldredge |
Another common
technique used to increase abundance of insects in an area is by manipulating
water. As most people know anywhere that there is a moist area there is
typically an excess amount of insects around, such as mosquitos, beetles, etc…
One simple option is to allow livestock troughs to slightly overflow, which
creates a moist area for arthropods to accumulate as well as provides supplemental
water for quail. Another option is to divert water off
an area, such as a road, so it can accumulate and create a small moist area for
arthropods. These are called spreader dams, they are typically built along
downward sloping terrain, such as roads, and are mounds of soil that divert the
water from rain into a low lying area or an area where the water can be
absorbed by the soil. Spreader dams have multiple benefits in that they provide
a supplemental water source for many wildlife species, increase arthropod
abundance and diversity for quail foraging, spread out the natural flow of
water, and reduce erosion on roads. More information on how to choose a
location for spreader dams and how they function can be found in this video “Form and Function of
Spreader Dams”
Maintaining insect abundance in an area can be very
important to your quail population’s health and should be monitored regularly
throughout the year to ensure that management practices are producing results.
Results can be monitored by the use of sweep nets and pitfall traps. Sweep nets
are typically made of canvas and attached to a sturdy pole; these nets are then
swept through the treated and untreated areas to collect insects. Pitfall traps
are traps, such as a jar or bucket, which are placed inside the ground at
ground level where insects will fall into them. Both of these traps are placed
inside and outside of the treatment area and the insects that are caught are
then counted and can show you the difference in insect abundance in the treated
and untreated areas. Dale Rollins explains the benefits of strip disking and
also demonstrates how to use sweep nets in an area that has been disked in the
short video “Disking
for Quail Habitat”.
It is important to remember that combining
techniques to increase insect abundance for a food resource with other cover,
and nesting management techniques, such as strip disking, can not only be
beneficial to the quail population, but can also ease the load on your pockets
books by achieving two management goals in one practice.
Works Cited
Hernandez, F., and Peterson, J. M. 2007. Northern
Bobwhite Ecology and Life History. : a point. Pages 40-64 in Texas Quails. L.
A. Brennan(ed). Texas A&M University Press, College Station, USA.
Jackson, A. S. 1969. Quail Management Handbook for
West Texas Rolling Plains. Bulletin no. 48. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Manley, S. W., Fuller, R. S., Lee, J. M., and
Brennan, L. A. 1994. Arthropod response to strip disking in old fields managed
for northern bobwhites. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 48: 227-235.
Texas Quail Conservation Initiative. 2005. Where
Have All the Quail Gone? Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.