Food and cover are the two most
essential needs of a quail. As non-migratory birds with short lifespans, quail
need their essentials close at hand; for every acre of land, all cover types
should be included that most benefit quail (TPWD, 2005). There are four cover
types that can overlap, meaning multiple cover types may be provided by one
plant. Those cover types are: nesting, screening, woody, and loafing cover. In
Texas, there are four species of quail: Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Montezuma (Cyrtonyx montezumae), Gambel’s (Callipepla
gambelii), and scaled (Callipepla
squamata); although each species has the same general needs, plants used
for each cover can differ by species and ecoregion.
Nesting cover is necessary for most
quail species, including the Northern bobwhite and Montezuma quail, since they construct
small bowl-shaped depressions and need warm-season native bunchgrasses, such as
bluestem (Andropogon), threeawns (Aristida), and balsamscales (Elyonurus), to curve into a dome shaped roof to hide the nest from
predators (Harveson et. al 2007, Hernández and Peterson 2007). These
bunchgrasses are most advantageous when basketball-sized in diameter and taller
than 8 inches (TPWD, 2005), and the lack of these necessary grasses is the most
widespread limiting factor of all game birds across Texas (TPWD, 2008). Gambel’s
and scaled quail, in contrast, make little use of nesting cover aside from
occasionally placing their nest beneath a shrub or prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) to shade the nest (Kuvlesky
et. al 2007, Silvy et. al 2007).
nests can be constructed to learn about the construction
of quail nests which alongside a scent
station can help determine more about nest predation in a
specific area. Great care must be taken not to allow cattle to graze
bunchgrasses below 8 inches, which will be hard since they are preferred over
introduced grasses as forage. It is best to rotate cattle to different pastures
to allow plants time to recover and to establish a good stocking
rate to avoid having too many animals on the land.
Large clumps of prickly pear can be beneficial to quail. |
As chicks begin to hatch, they cannot
fly making bare ground necessary for movement; however, this also leaves chicks
very vulnerable to predators (TPWD, 2005). Screening cover consists of a canopy
of tall bunchgrasses, broad-leafed weeds or forbs, and shrubs to screen the
birds from predators and adverse conditions (TPWD, 2005). This canopy allows
the chicks to roam on the bare ground without battling through a dense forest
of plants and, according to Rollins and Carroll (2001), still allows protection
from predators including northern harriers (Circus
cyaneus) and accipiters (Accipiter spp.).
Aside from protection, these forbs and grasses provide a year-round supply of
food: insects attracted to the plants during nesting in spring and summer and seeds
in the fall and winter (TPWD, 2005). Key
seed-producing plants include snow-on-the-mountain (Euphorbia marginata), Illinois
bundleflower (Desmanthus illinoensis),
panic grass (Panicum spp.) western
ragweed (Ambrosia cumanensis), giant
ragweed (Ambrosia trifida), paspalum
grass (Paspalum spp.), and
Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense); key plants for
quail in the rolling plains include buffalo bur (Solanum rostratum), clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra), and erect
dayflower (Commelina erecta).
Decrease of tall-grass cover
for screening and nesting can be detrimental to quail; the Montezuma quail, for
example, will be extirpated from an area if 40 or more percent is removed
(Harveson et. al 2007).Flowering buffalo bur |
Woody cover, often referred to as
loafing cover, is the clumps of woody plants used by quail for protection (TPWD,
2005). Not only does the woody cover allow for protection from aerial
predators, woody cover harbors the quail from adverse weather conditions like
rain, sun and wind (TPWD, 2005). According to a Bobwhite Quail habitat evaluation
guide developed for the Bobwhite
Brigades, an ideal area has 20-40% of woody cover with each
suitable clump being about 10 feet in diameter and within softball throwing
distance from each other. This allows for quail to easily move from cover to
cover without much fear of being somebody’s lunch.
(Zizyphus obtusifolia), mesquite (Prosopis
glandulosa) and Shinnery oak (Quercus
havardii) provide excellent woody cover (TPWD, 2005). However, if plants in
an area become too dense, grasses and forbs used for other cover types and food
sources will have limited use (TPWD, 2008). One way to limit woody species abundance
is through prescribed
quail, once again an exception, prefer a more dense cover to loaf around in while
Silvy et. al (2007) found that scaled quail prefer a less congested cover with
only 10 percent woody cover (TPWD, 2005).
Lotebush can provide both food and cover for quail. |
A pair of scaled quail utilizing supplemental water in their typical west Texas habitat. |
Half cutting mesquite trees can increase suitable quail habitat (left). Large mesquites can provide shade and cover from predators (right). |
Creating a mosaic or “crazy quilt” of
different habitat types, known as interspersion, not only allows for excellent
habitat for quail but improves the ecosystem for other species including Texas
horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum), and an abundance of
quail may be an indicator of healthy rangeland ecosystems. An easy rule of
thumb for quail habitat is the “Softball
Habitat Evaluation Technique.” To find more
information on how to get involved and make a difference publications including
Monitoring for Quail on Texas Rangelands can be found at the AgriLife
Bookstore with supplementing videos on the Texas
A&M Wildlife and Fisheries Extension YouTube page.
This article was developed through the Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative funded by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department through Upland Game Bird Stamp funds.
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2007. Montezuma Quail Ecology and Life History. Pages 23-39. Brennan, L. A., editor. 2007. Texas Quails
Ecology and Management. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, USA.
F., M. J. Peterson. 2007. Northern Bobwhite Ecology and Life History. Pages 41-
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Ecology and Management. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, USA.
Jr., W. P., S. J. DeMaso, and M. D. Hobson. 2007. Gambel’s Quail Ecology and
Pages 6-22. Brennan, L. A., editor.
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D., and J. P. Carroll. 2001. Impacts of Predation on Northern Bobwhite and
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N. J., D. Rollins, and S. W. Whisenant. 2007. Scaled Quail Ecology and Life
Pages 65-88. Brennan, L. A., editor.
2007. Texas Quails Ecology and Management. Texas A&M University Press,
College Station, USA.
Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
2005. Where have all the quail
PWD RP W7000-1025.
Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).
2008. The Upland Game Bird
Handbook for Texas Landowners. PWD RP W7000-1558 (08/08).