Participants perform an exercise that shows just how crucial it is to maintain all of the key components of quail habitat.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Dale Rollins
QuailMasters 2013
Are you an avid hunter of quail? Maybe you’re a landowner dedicated to this small bird’s cause, an agency biologist, or perhaps a college student simply seeking to increase your knowledge of quail information. Whatever your reason for coming, the folks putting on the QuailMasters workshop series would be glad to have you as long as you are serious about quail. Coordinator and instructor Dr. Dale Rollins will lead the series of four workshops, co-sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Wildlife Association. Rollins is one of our own, an AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist out of San Angelo. Helen Holdsworth, based out of San Antonio with the Texas Wildlife Association, will also join him in instruction. The sessions will focus on scaled quail and bobwhite. They will feature lectures, field trips, homework, and hands-on exercises.
Be warned, though very rewarding, the QuailMasters classes will be challenging. To quote Dr. Rollins, “Our goal is to make the students quail experts. We want graduates to come away from the series with the knowledge to speak comfortably on quail biology, ecology, technology and sociology. Students will see some of the best quail ranches in the nation and learn firsthand how proper management can enhance quail numbers.” In fact, for an additional charge you can receive three hours of graduate college credit through Texas A&M University’s wildlife and fisheries department.
Attendance is mandatory for all four meetings. The four sessions and their locations are; March 24-26 (Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch), May 5-7 (to be announced), July 7-9 (to be announced), and September 15-17 (Kingsville). The cost is $400 per individual; this includes several meals and educational support materials. However, space is limited to 35 participants, so sign up as quickly as you can.
For more information, contact Dr. Rollins at 325-653-4576, or Holdsworth at . Online registration is available at
Also, if you would like to view the original article by Steve Byrns on AgriLife Today you may do so at