Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Feral Hog Population Growth, Density and Harvest in Texas

Feral hogs pose a large problem to Texans because of their destructive nature and large numbers.  Until now many estimates on feral hog populations in Texas were not based on scientific studies.  In this publication research for modeling feral hog populations in the state is presented.  The research included a literature review, gathering harvest data estimates from multiple sources, and creating a population model from these data.  What was discovered is that 79% of Texas is suitable as feral hog habitat, and that the estimated feral hog population is 2.6 million.  Additionally, it was discovered that currently 29% of the population is harvested every year, but in order to hold the population stable 66% of the population would need to be removed annually for over 5 years.  The new publication can be viewed below, at the Texas A&M AgriLife Bookstore, or at the Plum Creek Watershed Partnership website.  

Feral Hog Population Growth, Density and Harvest in Texas